Saturday 31 August 2013

Low Cost 8 Channel Logic Analyser

!!! Since this was posted I've learned that these cheap logic analysers are basically copy-cat rip-off hardware labelled up to look like they are made Saleae;  these aren't by Saleae!  If you're looking for a decent low cost logic analyser with superb software check-out the proper Saleae ones.

Quite a small compact little unit. It's rather cheap looking but I wouldn't expect too much for the price.

Hooked up and ready to capture some data.

Capturing a short burst of I2C data from the uC to the 24LC512 chip.

This was my first experience of a capture of my I2C signal from my board;   it looks ok, although I can't pass much of a judgement on this unit until I've used it a bit more; but on first impressions - it looks pretty good value for money!

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