Saturday 5 March 2016

TENMA 72-10495 2CH 0-30V 5A Power Supply

This is my new power supply,  I was tried of using my old one which was a complete pain to use as the voltage and current adjustment was far too course;  this TENMA one has a digital pot which allows for course and fine adjustment.  Initially when it arrived I let it warm up to ambient room temperature before I switched it on;  then I tested both channels with both light and moderate loads and it all seems to work really nice;  the fan speed is variable based on the load,  and when you turn the pot through the entire voltage range you can hear it using relays to switch through the various transformer taps.

A few weeks later...

Well now I've had chance to play around with it a bit I must say it's really quite nice.  my only niggle with the unit is in the way that when you set either a voltage or current directly it always defaults to voltage and always at the volt unit,  this is a pain if you need to periodically tweak the millivolt, say if you were simulating a 0 - 5 volt sensor.  the other niggle is you can only change the voltage and current while in edit mode,  and after a few seconds it auto exits edit mode;  and entering edit mode always takes you to voltage and the volt unit and not the last unit (millivolt) setting.

I haven't tested the power-on voltage curve under max current conditions as I don't have a dummy load, but I'm guessing there wouldn't be much overshoot to worry about.

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