Saturday 25 October 2014

Boss GE-7 Equalizer, (Monte Allums) Noise Reduction Modification

Here are a few pictures to show the Monte Allums - Boss GE-7 Equalizer mod which can purchased from his website at a very reasonable cost.

Here's a link to his website.

Of course you don't have to buy a kit, in fact you could do your own research and purchase the parts yourself -  but for the price of one of Monte's kits it's not really worth the hassle; unless of course guitar pedals are your thing.

So here is the PCB.

PCB Marked with locations of the 4 Op-amps.

4 Op-amps replaced for special low noise versions.

7 Capacitors replaced; these reduce noise and enhance the clarity.

1 Capacitor left to replace and some of the removed parts

PCB board cleaned to remove flux residue and pen marks.

Some sheets of paper slipped behind the PCB board mask the surrounding area from over-spray of PCB lacquer.

Once I got the pedal back together I tested it out and I was very pleased with the results; I could hear a definite reduction of 'hiss', especially in the top EQ ranges !

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