Saturday 29 December 2018

Orb Retro Gaming Console - What's inside?

Orb Gaming System

The Orb Video Game System is a retro games console which is based on the Nintendo Family Computer, or "FAMICON" as it's more commonly referred to.

A quick look inside reveals, well - not that much actually!   there are 3 pcb's, one has the power socket and s-video adapters on it (top-most),  the center pcb has what must be main system on chip, which is under the black blob;  the bottom pcb has the console on /off and reset switches.

Orb Gaming System PCB

Moving on to the cartridge provided with the console which has the 400 games on..

The top-side pcb contains a single AS7C31025 which is 128K x 8 bit CMOS SRAM chip;  and then a chip blob;  I can only guess there is some sort of micro-controller of sorts under the blob which controls the game selection, so once a game is selected (i.e 1-400 ) from the initial boot-up menu, the cart controller will then grab the selected game from the Flash memory and then push that into the SRAM ready to be loaded up by the main system.

The reverse of the cart pcb showing the single S29GL512,  3v,  512 Mbit Flash Memory.

I picked this system up in an Xmas sale for £15,  but despite the really crappy cheap looking case etc, it is really quite enjoyable and probably very hackable!