After powering up there was no response from the unit; after checking the power rails there was no power getting to the 7805 5 volt regulator. I found that one of the input jack terminals had completely broke the copper track it was soldered on to.
I removed the solder from the bad pin; the broken track just fell away leaving the bare board around the pin.
I soldered on a wire link to bridge the gap where the track was missing.
Then I cleaned the main PCB board, including all the switches and pots.
One of the switches showed a lot of corrosion; perhaps something was spilt onto the board through the stomp foot pedal at some point.
After I checked the switch it turned out to be faulty; but luckily I had some old keyword switches lying around; the keyword switch was a perfect replacement, and soldered directly in; the only problem was - it was the wrong height! so I ended up cutting a small piece off a spare rubber foot that had adhesive attached, and that seemed to do the trick very nicely!

So after that I put it all back together and powered it up it worked fine; I noticed the input jack wasn't great, so I will replace that with some spare ones when I get a spare minute.

I found a spare minute to change both the guitar input jack and the output jack; the input tab had broken, hence the bad connection, and the output had partially broke; I also added some "hot-snot" glue to help reduce any jack movement.